Visiting Student Steps for Admission


These steps will help guide you through the admissions process.  If you have any questions, contact the Admissions Office at or call 910.938.6332.

We look forward to helping you enroll.


Step 1  |  Complete Your Residency Determination

First, complete your residency application through the North Carolina Residency Determination Service (RDS). RDS determines whether you’ll pay in-state or out-of-state tuition.  Once completed, you will be assigned a Residency Certification Number (RCN).  Save this number!  You’ll need it for the Coastal admissions application.

For more information about RDS, to include the reconsideration or appeals processes for residency classification, please visit

Complete Residency Application

Step 2  |  Complete Your Admissions Application

Now you’re ready to complete the admissions application!

Things to keep in mind:

  • If you need to save it and come back later, you can.
  • Once submitted, allow one week for your application to be processed and to receive an email with your Student ID and login information for your MyCCCC portal.
  • If you applied within the last year, you do not need to reapply.  Please contact Admissions to confirm; it’s possible you can just update your start term.

If you have questions or need assistance with the admissions application, contact the Admissions Office at or call 910.938.6332.

Complete Admissions Application

Step 3  |  Submit Your Transcripts

  • Obtain permission from your home institution to attend classes at Coastal.
  • You do not need to submit official transcripts; however, if you are interested in taking a class at Coastal that has a pre- or co-requisite, we do need at least an unofficial transcript listing the name of the institution you attended and shows a grade of "C" or higher for the course that is a pre- or co-requisite.  We cannot accept courses that are still “In Progress” or otherwise do not have a grade. Electronic transcripts may be submitted to  All other transcripts should be mailed to: Coastal Carolina Community College, 444 Western Boulevard, Jacksonville, NC 28546-6816.
  • To determine if the course(s) you’re interested in taking require a pre- or co-requisite, please see the current College Catalog.

Step 4  |  Complete Your Application Process

You’re almost there!

  • After you have submitted your application and transcripts, your next step will be to connect with a member of the counseling staff.  At this time, you will be admitted to Coastal and it will be determined whether or not you need to take a placement test.
  • If you are a military-connected student, in order to be considered for the in-state tuition rate, please complete and return the Military Servicemember In-State Tuition Affidavit or Military Dependent In-State Tuition Affidavit.
  • If you intend to use VA education benefits, please visit the Veterans Programs webpage to review the requirements for using VA education benefits as a Visiting Student.
Visit the Advising and Counseling Services Page
Military Affiliated In-State Tuition Affidavit

Step 5  |  Request Accommodations with Disability Support Services (Optional)

Students who have a diagnosed disability and/or received specialized educational services and accommodations in high school such as an Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) or Section 504 plan are encouraged to complete a Request for Accommodations Form. For more information on requesting accommodations, visit Disability Support Services.

Learn About Ways to Pay for College

Coastal provides a number of financial assistance programs, ensuring opportunities for students who need assistance paying for Coastal. For more information about Financial Aid, Veterans Education Benefits, or other resources and assistance programs, please visit the Paying for Coastal Webpage.
Paying for Coastal
Cost of Attendance